atheism: the intellectual
“Just because a few atheists believe that everything came from nothing doesn't mean that all atheists believe that.” Robert Madewell
It’s not a matter of not believing it. It’s a matter of definition. If you say of your Ford Expedition that you have no belief that there was a maker, then you think that nothing made it. It just happened. You have defined yourself as having that mentality.
So if you call yourself an atheist, you are saying that you have no belief in a God—a Creator. Creation just happened. Everything you see—all the different breeds of dog (both male and female), all the different breeds of cat (both male and female), all the different fish in the ocean (both male and female), giraffes, elephants, cattle, sheep, horses, birds, flowers, trees, the sun, the moon, the stars, the four seasons, night and day, the marvels of the human body—the eye with its 137,000,000 light sensitive cells (we have been made well Robert) . . . all these marvels of creation were made by nothing. They all just happened. That’s atheism at its core. What an intellectual embarrassment.
Then the professing atheist has the unbelievable gall to consider himself intelligent, and he thinks that science backs up his delusion. Think of the ludicrous language an atheist is forced to use. He can’t say that creation was “created” and he has to avoid saying that everything has been “made.” He will even say that he has no beliefs . . . that he is “without belief.” His problem is that he hasn’t thought his beliefs through. If he has any intellectual self-respect he will move from the “nothing created everything” belief, to the “something did it but I just don’t know what it was.” And is doing so he distances himself from the embarrassing label of “atheist.”
by Ray Comfort

Great post, Esly! I didn't know Dr. Phil was a believer. Ray Comfort is awesome and Ronald Reagan has to be one of my favorite presidents! We need a guy like him today in office. Someone who actually believes what this country was all about.
Hi Esly, It's your mom enjoying all your postings to bless humankind if they will only see and hear what God has for them. Thank you for sharing the goodness that will bless all throughout eternity because of Yeshua, the King of Kings and Savior of my soul. I love you! Mom.
Hi. Atheist here.
I believe that matter/energy/the cosmos has always existed, in one form or another, and that it goes through cycles.
I fully believe that 'God/s' are made up by us humans who think that because we observe ourselves and other animals making tools, then it must also follow that the cosmos and all things in it are tools of a 'big human in the sky'.
Does that mean I'm an atheist or not, according to you taxonomy?
Not that I SHOULD care what you call me, as you guys count all non-Christians as equally stigmatizable (new word alert?), intellectually embarrassing, lost, evil etc, etc.
You even tell me what I believe, even when I don't believe it.
And for that many of you also call me 'arrogant'. Irony is surreal at times.
Your passion for cartooning is infectious and I wish you well, even if you use it to stigmatize and propagandize against non-Christians. As an artist myself I can detach that from the talent. You have a nice style.
Oh I love that Reagan quote. Never mind that the phrase "Under God" wasn't put into your country's pledge until the 1950's!
Religion really does thrive on ignorance, doesn't it?
Ohhh, love your blog's title Esly, "The Evidence Blog".
An Atheist needs no evidence to support his claim, the 'Burden of Proof' falls on you 'believers'.
The 'Existence of God' if proven by our Natural Laws of Science would be a 'True Revelation' for Us all... think of the joyous, profoundly exubitant singing around the World, 'The Hills are Alive..." .
Sorry Esly, but supernatural, personal revelations, sub-conscience, dreams or even witnessed miracles do not apply.
Think of those in our modern times so convinced that they had contact with space aliens... or those mysterious crop circles... yes, so believable to most, but not convincing without Scientific evidence.
Hey, you do know that Comfort totally misquoted me and cherry picked my comment.
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