2nd Commandment: "Catholicism" VS. The "Bibe"
The Roman Catholic "Ten" Commandments are actually only nine. They deleted the Second Commandment--the one that says not to create an image and bow down to it, and then they split the Tenth, hoping that no one would notice. If you don't believe me, study the Vatican website for yourself:
Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21 are the same Ten Commandments.
There is nothing anti-Catholic. It is not Catholic-bashing. It is just the facts as they stand.
And the Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday... so, you continue to ignore your God's Commandments,
It's hilarious, that image actually quite clearly shows that Esly can't read. It's the exact opposite of what you are claiming.
Note the 2 sets of commandments are not divided into their verses. But into their arbitrary commandments. Different religions divide them up differently *because they aren't numbered in the bible!* Wikipedia has a very clear table showing this.
You'd have to be quite blind to not see that the 1st part of the catholic catechism includes the 2 'commandment'.
Cheers for this Esly I will refer to it the next time someone from living waters brings this up again.
Well done.
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